San Benito Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

The final San Benito Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is now available!
The CWPP is a dynamic, living document that will be reviewed and assessed every five years to ensure it remains effective and up-to-date in addressing the evolving wildfire risks and community needs.
Access the San Benito Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) here:
San Benito Community Wildfire Protection Plan_Final_2024.pdfThe CWPP includes:
- A Countywide Wildfire Risk Assessment
- Wildfire Mitigation Strategies for Homeowners and Landowners
- Funding Opportunities
- Evacuation Routes
- And More!
Here's more background on the CWPP:
The CWPP for San Benito County had not been updated since 2010. In the last 14 years, many changes occurred across the County. Having an updated CWPP will help residents understand current wildfire hazards and risks for communities and resources, identify and prioritize areas for wildfire risk reduction projects, create opportunities for funding, and increase collaboration among residents, fire management agencies, and local businesses.
The updated CWPP will serve as a roadmap for prioritizing hazardous fuels reduction and other fire prevention activities to improve community resilience to wildfires.
The updated CWPP was developed with public input during the past year, including in-person community meetings, virtual webinars, focus groups, comment cards, email distribution, and social media posts. Four community meetings were held during the preparation of the CWPP between May and August 2024. Feedback and suggestions received from community members were used to create objectives and strategies for the San Benito CWPP. Public comment records are available upon request.
This project is funded by a block grant awarded to the State Coastal Conservancy through the California Department of Conservation.
Please share this important information with your neighbors and friends. Another year of important wildfire resilience planning for San Benito County starts now!
If you have questions, or are interested in volunteering for the San Benito Wildfire Resilience Program, please email: